What a celebration!
St. Paul’s 150th Anniversary
July 9-10, 2022
St. Paul’s Congregation, Organized July 6, 1872
Saturday, July 9 at the Park
2:00-5:00 pm Potluck Picnic
It was a beautiful day with lots of food, fellowship and fun.
It was great to re-connect with old friends.
Sunday, July 10 at the Church
10:30 Worship Service | 11:45 Lunch | 1:00 Celebration
St. Paul’s extended family came together
to honor Jesus for His faithfulness and to re-connect with old friends.
You can still send us a greeting
How did Jesus work in your life through the ministry at St. Paul’s? Who influenced you?
Please send your memories to:
or by US mail: 1901 Portland Av S, Minneapolis, MN 55404
Pictures from the 150th Anniversary
by Julie Johnson

Confirmation Pictures
Thanks to those who have sent names of the confirmation students pictured in the gallery below.
If you can provide more information, please send info to 150stpauls@gmail.com

Back: Rolf Heng, Marlene Anderson (Thomas), Bob Gjengdahl, _____, Dick Harter.
MIddle: Bernice Tangen, Shirley Carlson, Gloria Anderson, Beatrice Berger, Ruth Stevenson.
Front: Richard Hirschey, Jackie Pearl, Rev. Hovland, Marie Olson, ____.


Front: Susan Austad, Kathleen Gokey, Nancy Opdahl (Linn), Pastor Satre, LaVonne Sommers, Sharyl Olson, Lois Austad.
Middle: Peggy Bowler, Brian Wetternach, Richard Johnson, Kelvin Kenyon, M. Neal Erdahl, Eileen Myhres.
Back: DeWayne Vennie, David Satre, Morris Emerson, Glenn Vikan, Douglas Nelson, Bruce Hoglund.

Back Row: ____, David Gisselquist, ____, ____, Gary Eikum.
Middle: ____, Roger Pauluk, ___Habadank, Dan Seleen, Dennis Vennie.
Front: ____, ____, Pastor Satre, ____, ____.

Back: Carol Wetternach, Harlan Reitan, Conrad Pedersen, Herbert Ward, ____, Dennis Flatgard.
Middle: Roger Emerson, Carol Baxter, Bryce Rollander, Lawrence Wetternach, Bernard Strinke, Janelle Eikum, Victoria Greeler (Schroeder).
Front: Corrine Peterson, Maureen Vennie, Pastor Satre, Linda Opdahl, Patricia Jokey.

Front: Karen Kvinge, Nancy Baxter, Pastor Satre, ____, ____.
Middle: ____, ____, Patricia Grundahl, Carol Thompson, Steve Johnson, Vaughn Vennie.
Back: Robert Greeler, Arlys Pahl, Gordon Erickson, Virginia Simengaard, Bob ___, Dan Pauluk.

Back: Tom Agrimson, Parul Satre, ____, Russell Erdahl, ____, ____.
Middle: Ruth ellingson, ____, ____, Bruce Greeler?, ____, ____, Pastor Satre.
Front: Becky Simengaard, Caryl Ellingson, Janet Schroeder, Claris Pederson, ____, ____.

Back: Steve Greeler, ____, Wayne Erickson, Jim Hoel, John Restrepo.
Middle: ____, Kathy Chelmen, Esther Strenke, ____, ____.
Fron: Becky Simengaard, Caryl Ellingson, Janet Schroeder, Claris Pederson, ____, ____.

Back; Pastor Satre, Daniel Agrimson, Daniel Thompson, Daniel Kvinge, Edwin Emerson, ____, ____.
Middle: Nancy Greeler, ____, LuAnn Berkness, ____, Paul Emerson, ____, ____.
Front: ____, Diane Agrimson, ____, ____, ____, Linda Hoglund.

Back: Keith Eikum, Bruce Hoglund, Bradley Chelmen, David Westlund, ____, ____, Deborah Ramlo (Meyer), LaVonne Paul, Pastor Satre.
Middle: Pastor Robert Kasperson, ____, Sylvia Restrepo, Richard Kasperson, ____, ____, Marcia Grundahl, Wanda Berkness.
Front: Patricia Patzold (Lewis), Myrna Peterson, Ruth Satre (Larson), ____, Carol Patzold, ____, Mark Thorson.

Back: ____, ____, Paul Vetch, ___ Benjaminson, ____, Bruce Peterson, Greg Kalember, Pastor Satre.
Middle: Faith Jensen, ____, Debbie Agrimson (Johnson), Ross Nolan, Darcy Behl.
Front: Philip Berkness, Beatrice Agrimson (Ainsley), Sandra Widhom, Pam Eide, ____, ____.

Back: (Steve) Berkness, Loren Kerbaugh, Dan Westlund, Gary Wallstein, Pastor Satre, _________, Dale Halvorsen, David Ramlo.
Front: Debbie Chenoweth, Debbie Streeter, Joyce Benjaminson, Nancy Asleson, Darcy Schroeder, Gloria Emerson, _________, Miriam Dokken, Kim Chelmen.

Front Row: ______Strenke, Sheri Nolan, _________, ___________, Dawn Simengaard, Gloria Peterson, _________, ________, Becky Ellingson, James Parnow.
Back Row: __________, __________, Tom Kvinge, Peter Thorson, James Agrimson, David Jensen, ________, Philip Kasperson, Philip Eide.

Front Row: Lisa Tjornhom, Debbie Nolan, __________, Pastor Satre, Mary Satre, Cheryl Batcher, Julie Oppegard.
Back Row: Marsha Widholm, Steve Ramlo, Lynn Pahl, Doug Westlund, Glen Havorsen, Mark Strenke.

Lorraine Ward, Paul Thorson, Arthur Ellingson, John Agrimson, Barb Welch, Sue Johnson. Front: Penny Greeler, Linda Batcher, Michelle Peterson, Julie Eide, Jodi Carlson, Lori Gilbertson, Mary Thompson, Ruth Benjaminson.

Back Row: Troy Seufert, Donald Whritenour, Kenneth Showalter, John Hestness, Chris Tjornholm, Jeff Nolan.
Front Row: Jim Halvorsen, Patty Berg, Jana Hagen, Pastor Satre, Deborah Smith, Marliese Oppegard, Richard Westlund.

Back Row: John Parnow, Pastor Satre, Mark Gilbertson, Chris Daniels.
Front Row: Dean Westlund, Cheryl Halmrast, Dawn Daniels, Barbara Whritenour, Debbie Putnam

Front: Sarah Tjornhom, Diane Welch, Patty Westlund, Carolyn Reseland, Chris Lokke, Kent Bolson, David Putnam. Back: Carol Showalter, Kathie Oppegard, Paul Hestness, Terri Johns, Jon Erickson, Carolyn Agrimson

Back Row: Gloria Jensen, Scott Ramlo, Joy Paul, Ken Rudi
Front Row: Nannette Reseland, Ann Simengaard, Pastor Satre, Dawn Gilbertson, Debbie Gilbertson

Back Row: Ron Linn, Brian Rich, Pastor Satre, Dennis Showalter, Cheryl Wetternach.
Front Row: Kristi Bolson, Marcine Kerbaugh, Ruth Hestness, Christopher Jenson.

Back Row: Craig Lokke, Pastor Satre, Mark Halmrast. Middle Row: Jane Erickson, Cheryl Jensen, Lorrie Griego, Kermit Forseth.
Front Row: Lois Reseland, Lucille Showalter, Julie Pearson.

Back Row: Randy Greeler, Pastor Satre, Kari Oppegard.
Front Row: Ken Schumann, Paul Cottingham, Joy Olson, Robin Cottingham.
No Picture: Karen Sennes, Mary Lou Anderson, Shelly Helvig, Teresa Roy, Lana Henderson, Shawn Linn.

Pastor Satre, Mark Sullivan, John Gilbertson, Mary Sullivan, Gretchen Folden, Jennifer Ramlo.
Front: Julie Reseland, Lisa Gunderson, Richard Tabor, Beth Hestness, Timothy Olson.

Back Row: David Gust, Pastor Satre, Antione Powers. Middle row: Jennifer Biel, Lisa Sennes, Teresina Bresina, Victoria Tabor.
Front Row: Rose Greene, Doreen Anderson, Trong Huynh, Cynthia Aarsvold, Julie Simengaard.

Back Row: Nathan Peterson, Eric Ruter, Thomas Rogers, Jr., Lillian Harding.
Front Row: Vicky Tabor, Angela Bresina, Pastor Satre, Beth Lokke, Hope Emerson.

Carl Powers, Sara Gunderson, Pastor Satre, Lynda Johnson, Jonathan Eide

Back Row: Daniel Welch, Truman Tabor, Dale Gunderson, John Linn, Pastor Satre.
Front Row: Tonya Griego, Gina Bresina, Sandra Johnson, Sandra Showalter, Joy Aarsvold, Clifford (Paul) Rude.

Wade Anderson, Rebecca Rogers, Pastor Satre, Halle Melom, David Gulstrand

Andrea Sennes, Pastor Wells, Andrea Gunderson
Jason Gulstrand, Kham Chanhvanh, Julie Setterholm, Darcy Simpson.

Som Roeun, Pastor Wells, Katie Bodurtha, Lam Phangluangmalay

Holly Bowers, Luke Emerson, Liisa Pilgren-Warner

Back: Geing Phetsamone, John Wells, Pastor Wells, Rebecca Bodurtha, Eboun Singhathip. Front: Kie Daoenunang, Yao Prathouthong, Ot Sisombath, Karis Hagen, Nimone Panthaphim.

Tim Wells, Pastor Wells, Peter Bodurtha

Jacob Vorderbruggen, Pastor Wells, Kent Bodurtha

Tyler Haer, Pastor Wells, Samuel Vorderbruggen, Pakou & Panhia, Joslyn Bolson
Gideon Bolson, Somphet Phitsome, Robert Obaga, Pastor Harris
Katherine Broderson, Will Asplin, Natalie Mantei, Andrew Goblirsch, Pastor Wells

Elul Adoga, Faith Asplin, Grace Asplin, Sena Andea, Mitto Atomsa, Raajii Daniel, Kiyya, Boniat Ephrem, Milki Gemeda, Nayad Geneti, Robera Legesp, Meti Mekonen, Mati Regassa, Meti Regassa, Seyde Tadele, Bissie Tadesse, Nuubeek Tsegaab, Eleli Wirtu, Pastor Wells, Pastor Challa Baro.

Pastor Wells, Jason Showalter