Lent begins on March 5th
Teaching Series: The "I Am" Statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John
The Gospel of John contains seven profound "I Am" statements made by Jesus, each revealing a unique aspect of His divine identity and mission. These declarations offer a window into the heart of Christ and invite believers to experience the fullness of life, hope, and salvation in Him.
Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday: Worship Services in the Sanctuary at 7:00 pm.
Wednesdays in Lent: In the Home Churches, using a 10-minute video and study guide prepared by Pastor Tom.
March 5th: Ash Wednesday in the Sanctuary at 7pm
Sermon 1: "I Am the Bread of Life" (John 6:35, 48-51)
Wednesdays in Lent in the Home churches
March 12th: "I Am the Light of the World" (John 8:12)
March 19th: "I Am the Door" (John 10:7-9)
March 26th: "I Am the Good Shepherd" (John 10:11-18)
April 2nd: "I Am the Resurrection and the Life" (John 11:25-26
April 9th: "I Am the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14:6)
April 17th: Maundy Thursday in the Sanctuary at 7pm
"I Am the True Vine" (John 15:1-5)
April 18th: Good Friday Service
Revived, Redeemed, Renewed and Refreshed
Word, Worship, Small Groups and Fellowship Meals
Every Friday at 5:30–7:30pm at St. Paul’s
Moves to Saturdays starting April 5, 2025
Members and Neighbors of St. Paul’s are welcome!
Led by Pr. Larry Lindsey & Pr. Kim Stephens
New Dawn Life Together
First Saturday of Each Month
10:30 am - 12 noon | St. Paul’s Lower Level
Enter from the Parking Lot thru the black door in the rear.
Coffee, tea, water, and light snacks will be served.
Topics will focus on Spiritual Warfare for Daily Living.
There will be much time devoted to discussion and questions. Please join us and bring a friend.
Led by Phyllis Terwey
Adult Education
Sundays at 9am, Fellowship Hall
Children’s Sunday School every Sunday, 9-10am, Upstairs
Kids Club every Wednesday at 5pm
Bible Lessons, Songs, Memory Verses, Snacks
For Children ages 5-12, their parents and older siblings
Day of Prayer and Fasting
Next Scheduled Day of Prayer and Fasting: March 23
We begin our fast at midnight.
We come to church at 10:30am for Sunday Worship.
We return to church at 5:00pm for prayer and worship.
We break our fast at 6:30pm with a light dinner.
2025 Dates for Prayer and Fasting: January 5, February 16, March 23, May 4, June 22, August 3, September 14, November 2, December 7.
Home Churches
Go ahead, join a Home Church! Please select the one that works for you.
1. NW Suburbs: Thursday evenings (2nd & 4th)
2. Central Minneapolis: Mondays (1st & 3rd) at 5:30 PM
3. South Suburbs (Eagan): Thursdays (1st & 3rd) at 6:00 PM
4. North Suburbs: Thursdays (2nd & 4th) at 10 AM
5. NE St. Paul: Saturdays (2nd & 4th) at 10 AM
6. St. Paul’s Church: Wednesdays (2nd & 4th) at 11:30 AM
Weekly Events
Sunday School for Everyone | Sundays, 9:00am
Sunday Worship Service | Sundays, 10:30am
Online Prayer Meeting | Sundays, 6:00pm https://us02web.zoom.us/j/4357965478?pwd=SlR4dHdkMkh5Ujk4TGovQ1Q2WGtzUT09
Kids Club | Wednesdays, 6:00pm | Upstairs Gym
Revive! Worship, food, and fellowship | Fridays, 5:30-7:30
Men’s Fellowship | Saturdays (1st, 3rd), 9 to 10am | Basement Fellowship Hall
New Dawn Life Together | First Saturday of each month, 10:30am to 12:00noon | Basement Fellowship Hall
Loaves and Fishes | Saturdays at noon | parking lot
Home Churches | various times and places, call the Church office for details